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Or, as Buzz Lightyear put it, ‘to infinity and beyond’!

The week started with our looking forward to the opportunity to present the 360 VISION to MSP, VisitScotland, ELC representatives and others, at a round table meeting, with the limitless possibilities that could bring.  Our Steering Group had pulled out all the stops – setting aside work and family commitments – to ensure availability.  The date had been in the diary for months, we had been preparing, and preparing, an now we were ready!  Ad infinitum, et ultra!

A reminder arrived earlier in the week to say that the timescale for ELC to register our 360 National Climate Change Centre application for Planning Permission in Principle was running out. We needed to consider that, along with invitations to attend the East Lothian Climate Action Network Gathering on 18th May and the East Lothian Energy Conference on Friday 26th May.

PSC, our feasibility consultants, emailed, sharing drafts of key documents that we had been collaborating on.  Mid-week, we were still awaiting confirmation of attendees and agenda for our round table meeting the next day but we were well prepared and good to go, the inspiring, positive feeling remained ad infinitum, et ultra . . .

. . . but then it changed

. . . ad infinitum, et ultra no more

An early evening email on the Thursday advised that ELC suddenly required our round table meeting of the following day to be rescheduled.  No explanation  given, only notice that it was to be rescheduled and alternative dates would be sent the following day.  Anger and frustration was expressed at this lack of consideration for our 360 volunteers and the other attendees of the meeting – although worryingly, there was little surprise that our community group had been treated in such a way.  It illustrated a continuation of ‘more of the same’ inconsiderate treatment we’d experienced throughout this process.  Our steering group of volunteers /employed / self-employed, had moved personal mountains to be available, had invested precious time and effort in preparation but it mattered not  Ad infinitum, et ultra?

So on the morning of Friday 5th May – we put the disappointment of the previous night’s email aside, and contacted to ask for the possible dates for the rescheduled meeting so our group could yet again check work and life commitments.  The response came back with 2 suggested dates and a note that both were awaiting ELC confirmation on which date suited them best before we should consider and again, no reason given for the last minute cancellation of the meeting.  Considerate and partnership working, maybe not – but it’s the best that was on offer.   Bank Holiday weekend – so we were to be advised the following Tuesday .