Hello and Greetings from the 360CCC team ✋ We are delighted to bring you our…
boomadmin16 November 2023
A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network Podcast sharing stories of community led climate action in…
boomadmin16 November 2023
Member of the Month is a regular feature through which we shine a spotlight on…
boomadmin16 November 2023
Consultation? the action or process of formally consulting or discussing Or box ticking? doing something…
boomadmin26 June 2023
As a community space with a climate change focus, what facilities or uses for this…
boomadmin16 June 2023
A key element in the 360 Vision is education, with the academic partnerships that could…
boomadmin26 May 2023
The 360 Vision document sets out the foundation for a climate change centre of national…
360 Centre12 May 2023
Or, as Buzz Lightyear put it, ‘to infinity and beyond’! The week started with our…
360 Centre5 May 2023
We would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support that has been shown towards…
boomadmin24 February 2021
By Marie Sharp SCOTLAND’S own Eden Project could be created at the former Cockenzie Power…
boomadmin19 February 2021
The 360 Centre: Scotland's Climate Change Centre, in the heart of East Lothian on the…
boomadmin20 December 2020
The open parklands of the Greenhills are included in Zone 1 of the Masterplan. Andrew…
boomadmin4 June 2020
We would welcome your views, for this initiative to have any chance of success it will need wide community support and discussion on all aspects, additional ideas are welcome.
Please contact us with any comments or if you would like to support us.
Aspirational. Inspirational. Visionary. the360centre.com/aspirational…
Contact Us:
The 360 Centre
Email: the360centre@gmail.com